
Saturday, September 7, 2013

Preschool - Week 1

We had an AWESOME first day of school!!  We began the day with centers: kitchen, blocks, train table etc... Following centers, we read the book "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"  Then engaged in playing an "I Spy" game.  We searched and found each character from the book, then counted and recorded each dot held by the character.  Next, we traced our names with liquid glue, then decorated our names with glitter.  Then, Pastor Rigg visited our classroom and shared the story of "The Parable of the Lost Sheep".  The most popular activity was next, painting!!  The hidden agenda was to engage the students in tracing their names with paint.  IT WORKED!!!!  During circle time, Deacon and Luke shared the job as "Weather Helpers"  they dressed the weather frog and completed the weather activities.  Luke assisted in teaching "The Pledge of Allegiance".  Finally, Sofia and Gia were the counting helpers and assisted with taking attendance.. Upon completion of morning exercises (push-ups, sit-ups, jumping jacks, windmills, etc...) there was an unanimous cry for snack :-). During snack,  Ms. Kirsten read "The Kissing Hand" by Audrey Penn.    We learned that some animals sleep when we play and are active during the day, and, other animals do the opposite, and are called, nocturnal animals.  We also learned, that some people need to talk with their hands, as their ears do not work.  We discovered and created sign-language for "I love you".  Outdoor play included an animal search and acorn throwing/rolling contest. The "Question of the day" was: "What was your favorite part of the day?"  Responses: Painting and cutting!!! Kristen and I are grateful for an AWESOME first day of school!!!!!